Education versus schooling
When you want to choose the right school for your child, try to identify YOUR educational philosophy. What do you feel is the value and purpose of education? What do you expect your child to achieve?
Schooling is essential in developing a child’s character as well as their mind, so think about your child’s unique needs and goals. If you’re considering distance learning, remember that online learning is individualised; if, however, you’re considering an institution remember that educations is general, but can be personalised.

Education is often being confused with schooling, relying on the premise that time spent in school is directly related to education. Somehow, by osmosis or some other magic force, spending time in school will lead to an educated person. This is one of the biggest lies and misnomers that is pervasive throughout our society. Certainly, there are many wonderful authentic, relevant learning experiences that take place in school at all levels. As I continue my work as an educator and continue to learn outside of these realms, I am often amazed at the learning opportunities that surface in school but that are not taken advantage of for a variety of reasons. Too many times we are focused on placing blame or finding some quick fix program to help our students "achieve", but human beings are naturally innate and intuitive learners - and curiosity is a precursor to education!
Education, hence, does not necessarily mean schooling.The unfortunate part is that many, if not all of us, can recall being in school and not learning much or only learning what was already predetermined. By the same notion all of us have learned many things without being in school, when the learning was free and easy, the hours, days, weeks and perhaps even years seemed to pass by without notice. Most likely, you came away with a deep knowledge that was personally relevant and easily transferable to new situations. What was happening in these situations? How is this different than the experiences that many have during their years of schooling? How do we bring these two seemingly divergent experiences closer together?
We must push for more venues where this process is encouraged and facilitated.
No matter what type of education your child needs, make sure you choose wisely to support your child grow as an individual. Offering encouragement within a structured routine can help students maintain a positive attitude. By recognising daily 'curious moments', establishing and following goals, and avoiding “don’ts” and complaints, you can create a positive learning environment for a student,- anywhere - be it at school, in the garden, at home, in nature...even at a shopping mall!
Remember to keep your own attitude positive. Our actions and emotions have a huge impact on students', and when philosophy, psychology and motivation line up it allows situations to be curios and then - to mirror it.
As a positive adult role model, just remember that you can be a good influence every day.