Operations and timetable for COVID-19 lockdown
Sagan Primary
Sagan Primary for Stage 3 – Parent supported online learning and virtual teacher learning
Live and pre-recorded lessons with pre-loaded notes.
Access to the grade 3 classrooms will be given to the parents.
Sagan Primary for Stage 4 to 6 – teacher led virtual-structured learning (parents to oversee only)
Virtual live learning via Google Classrooms and Google Meets (previously Google Hangouts).
Sagan Junior WhatsApp group for quick notices to parents
A notice will be given to parents with instructions on:
how the primary school timetable for Google Classroom and short live online lessons will operate
how homework should be submitted
how tests will be done
There will be no Afrikaans for Juniors during lockdown. French only
Sagan lower secondary – Checkpoint Stages 7, 8 and 9
For Stages 7, 8 and 9 – teacher led lessons as per school timetable
Online Learning via Google Classrooms and Google Meets
Sagan subject specific WhatsApp groups as set up by the relevant teachers
All lessons except Art and Design, Enterprise and Afrikaans will be as per normal timetable
For Afrikaans Stage 7 and 8 – only x1 lesson for Stage 7 and 8 per week
No enterprise for Stage 7, 8 and 9 for the lockdown period
No Art and Design during the lockdown period
Sagan Senior – IGCSE and AS/A Level
For IGCSE and AS/A level – teacher led lesson as per school timetable
Online Learning via Google Classrooms and Google Meets
Sagan subject specific WhatsApp groups as set up by the relevant teachers
All lessons except Art and Design will be as per normal day school timetable
IGCSE and AS/A Level Art and Design will be as per Miss G’s instructions.
Ensure that Art and Design students are all on the Art and Design WhatsApp group led by Miss G

Find daily SCHOOL timetables on THIS PAGE
For students: Your daily timetable schedule has already been added to your Google calendars - access via Google Classrooms for Hangout Meets